Welcome to Snack Bag Art- because everyone needs a chuckle...

Hey YOU!! Come over HERE!! Siddown!
Now.. you gonna eat your snack! But first... you gotta check out this drawing my dad made on my snack bag....

Saturday, September 21, 2013

2013 EHF/GSP/YYC AP video contest: Fast Shipping

My son created an "artistic" yoyo video in response to a challenge- upload a video showing yo-yos in an artistic fashion and Granny Smith Productions would donate $100 to the "Eli Hops for Hope" cause- helping learning disabled and brain injury sufferers. Yay Davis!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to work- Back to school- with Snacks!!

Okay- a little out of practice... after tens days off...
Yeah- a very good Christmas and a great New Year's Eve!
and though the kids are excited about being back to school
(and bragging about Christmas loot)- it all comes down to
"What's in my snack bag??"

Happy New Year!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Next bags of snacks....

The rare and seldom sighted Chuck-Caw"!!

What your tummy says at Snack Time:
Just filling up bag space....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why Jellybean Bugs are REALLY gross....

I started drawing this- had the guy sketched and then couldn't think of anything to
put in his hand... then I started thinking about how kids hear the world... and if you didn't KNOW what "tea" was, couldn't you think that it was "T"?

Pure joy. Or madness. Sometimes both.

My daughter freaked out when she saw this one...
a few months ago our dog had a tick fall off him on the couch,
I picked it up, not realizing what it was- it felt like some kind
of rubbery plastic- I thought it was one of the kids toy accesories.
It DID however, resemble a jelly bean.... until you noticed the little tiny legs...
and then those lil' legs... WIGGLED!!! Well, you get the picture....

The Bags before Christmas

Here are the snack bags being sent today, the last day before school Christmas break...
obviously we have a theme here....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Danger Fish and Smart Monkey Boy!

I'm contemplating the production of a semi-daily cartoon feature....
While sitting at the car dealer waiting for an oil change, I ripped off about
20+ single panel cartoons- some no more than a rough draft idea, but I'm
seeing that there is a proliferation of this creativity inside the empty parts of
my brain.....

The title that struck me for the strip was "Instant Pudding".
I would welcome any advice or comments.
I may set up a blog for my "more grown-up" cartoons....

Here are the snack bags- and it looks like, yes, I'm losing my mind....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ahhh Christmas! I wonder what I'M going to get!?

This is one of my favorites- just started thinking about how the 4 out of five people
might feel if they realized they were not the ONE out of five....

Kids are funny about Christmas- it's the time of year they must act unnaturally; kind, patient, respectful...
Hence the next couple of snack bags.....

"Oh yeah, SURE you have."

What the heck IS figgy pudding?!? And would you
REALLY be happy about it??

Into everyone's lives must come a little disappointment. Usually around December 25th.
That's when we remember that it's the birthday of Jesus. And then we wonder if Jesus got
the pony under HIS tree....

And to all I wish you a Merry Holiday Season! (although I would prefer to say "Merry Christmas", I can't afford to alienate any of the readership.....)