Welcome to Snack Bag Art- because everyone needs a chuckle...

Hey YOU!! Come over HERE!! Siddown!
Now.. you gonna eat your snack! But first... you gotta check out this drawing my dad made on my snack bag....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Almost Halloween...!

In the theme of all things FRIGHTENING and SCAREY, I give you....
some Halloween theme bags!

(please don't blame me if these keep you up all night!)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some older bag art for your approval....

Been thinking about ALL the older bags I've made- some of my best stuff's never made it to post-
I always mean to - but time is precious...
Here- step back in time.... and enjoy!!

(click On the text above to view an image gallery)

Monday, October 19, 2009

The return of some color

Well, Here we are, Monday- got one kid sick, so only two new bags today...
but felt ambitious enough to add slight color- mainly because the Angry Tree didn't look so 
"tree-ish" without the color....

The bags:

(oh yeah- he's ticked off!)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, and got some bags from the week....

Ok, I'm keeping up with the drawing, just having trouble with the posting....

(how I feel most weekdays)

(notice the misspelling of  "nintendo"- getting enough rest Bob?

 Thanks for tuning in... tell yah friends....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He shoots... he trips and FALLS!!!

Blah. That's all. BLAH! I finally did NOT get bags made for yesterday's school.
That's ok. I'm getting back on the horse.
I certainly haven't posted all the bags... but thus far have only missed ONE day.
We'll see if I can continue with only one slip.

Hello- abit of a "no" theme here... partially brought about by the "no Red Sox" thoughts....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday- Bosox Bags...

To celebrate Red Sox in the playoffs!
(let's hope they get some runs fer cryin-out-loud!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I keep on in my Quest...

I guess I just don't want to admit that creating three unique individual cartoons per weekday is too much for the over scheduled stay home dad/photography instructor/photographer/part time job holder...
I mean, that only works out to 15 drawings per week... 60+ per month....  or... about 600 per year!!!
Not to mention the occasional doodles upon things like birthday party gift bags.... whew.

so, here's what happens when you are so rushed that you don't even realize that you haven't done "the bags" until the kids are ready to leave for school!

Yeah, THAT'S creative!

Well...... you do what you're able. ;)


perhaps I should be thinking of ways to compile these....
is there a market for such stuff?

sometimes I just start by making a random line and see where it takes me...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Falling behind!

I'll be posting about 6-10 more bags over the weekend, including bags celebrating my twins 9th birthday!!