Hey, you gotta dance!


Figured folks might want to see how a project is created- so when making one of the bags for today, I made a little movie showing the process. In all a bag usually takes about 1-4 minutes.... of course the time depends upon:
A) what's going on in the background (someone killing someone else and I have to intercede?)
B) how intricate I wind up getting (Know when to say when.)
C) if I decide/want to use colored pencils (Ooooohhh, see the PRETTY!)
D) how much time I actually have to make them!
By the way, I use a Kuretake brush pen
Very nice and responsive. I got it after an old room mate of mine told me about Sumi brush pens back in the early Nineties... have always loved doing drawings with it.
Now- the video.
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