Welcome to Snack Bag Art- because everyone needs a chuckle...

Hey YOU!! Come over HERE!! Siddown!
Now.. you gonna eat your snack! But first... you gotta check out this drawing my dad made on my snack bag....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How a Snack Bag Art bag is created....

Hey, you gotta dance!
Blow for GOODNESS SAKES!!Special Treat- see how I actually draw the bags- see below for short video!

Figured folks might want to see how a project is created- so when making one of the bags for today, I made a little movie showing the process. In all a bag usually takes about 1-4 minutes.... of course the time depends upon:

A) what's going on in the background (someone killing someone else and I have to intercede?)
B) how intricate I wind up getting (Know when to say when.)
C) if I decide/want to use colored pencils (Ooooohhh, see the PRETTY!)


D) how much time I actually have to make them!

By the way, I use a Kuretake brush pen
like this:

Very nice and responsive. I got it after an old room mate of mine told me about Sumi brush pens back in the early Nineties... have always loved doing drawings with it.

Now- the video.

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