Welcome to Snack Bag Art- because everyone needs a chuckle...

Hey YOU!! Come over HERE!! Siddown!
Now.. you gonna eat your snack! But first... you gotta check out this drawing my dad made on my snack bag....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why Jellybean Bugs are REALLY gross....

I started drawing this- had the guy sketched and then couldn't think of anything to
put in his hand... then I started thinking about how kids hear the world... and if you didn't KNOW what "tea" was, couldn't you think that it was "T"?

Pure joy. Or madness. Sometimes both.

My daughter freaked out when she saw this one...
a few months ago our dog had a tick fall off him on the couch,
I picked it up, not realizing what it was- it felt like some kind
of rubbery plastic- I thought it was one of the kids toy accesories.
It DID however, resemble a jelly bean.... until you noticed the little tiny legs...
and then those lil' legs... WIGGLED!!! Well, you get the picture....

The Bags before Christmas

Here are the snack bags being sent today, the last day before school Christmas break...
obviously we have a theme here....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Danger Fish and Smart Monkey Boy!

I'm contemplating the production of a semi-daily cartoon feature....
While sitting at the car dealer waiting for an oil change, I ripped off about
20+ single panel cartoons- some no more than a rough draft idea, but I'm
seeing that there is a proliferation of this creativity inside the empty parts of
my brain.....

The title that struck me for the strip was "Instant Pudding".
I would welcome any advice or comments.
I may set up a blog for my "more grown-up" cartoons....

Here are the snack bags- and it looks like, yes, I'm losing my mind....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ahhh Christmas! I wonder what I'M going to get!?

This is one of my favorites- just started thinking about how the 4 out of five people
might feel if they realized they were not the ONE out of five....

Kids are funny about Christmas- it's the time of year they must act unnaturally; kind, patient, respectful...
Hence the next couple of snack bags.....

"Oh yeah, SURE you have."

What the heck IS figgy pudding?!? And would you
REALLY be happy about it??

Into everyone's lives must come a little disappointment. Usually around December 25th.
That's when we remember that it's the birthday of Jesus. And then we wonder if Jesus got
the pony under HIS tree....

And to all I wish you a Merry Holiday Season! (although I would prefer to say "Merry Christmas", I can't afford to alienate any of the readership.....)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Several bags- and an "Alien Series"

Ok- remember to check the previous post for a short video showing how Snack Bag Art is made...

today we have some 'Aliens'. Why? I don't know. Perhaps the voices have convinced me?

The ugly side of racism....

Teddy likes to go to the optometrist....

Fred enjoys long walks on the selenium waste.... and frisbee!

Burt, while shy, loves to frequent the gym and tie up the stairmaster.

How a Snack Bag Art bag is created....

Hey, you gotta dance!
Blow for GOODNESS SAKES!!Special Treat- see how I actually draw the bags- see below for short video!

Figured folks might want to see how a project is created- so when making one of the bags for today, I made a little movie showing the process. In all a bag usually takes about 1-4 minutes.... of course the time depends upon:

A) what's going on in the background (someone killing someone else and I have to intercede?)
B) how intricate I wind up getting (Know when to say when.)
C) if I decide/want to use colored pencils (Ooooohhh, see the PRETTY!)


D) how much time I actually have to make them!

By the way, I use a Kuretake brush pen
like this:

Very nice and responsive. I got it after an old room mate of mine told me about Sumi brush pens back in the early Nineties... have always loved doing drawings with it.

Now- the video.

Please post comments- sign up to follow Snack Bag Art- tell yer friends!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another day, another bag.

The secret's in the can, man....

And- Taa Daaa!

And in theme with THIS blog-

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life is what it makes you....

Again I dip into the inkwell....
Actually, I pop another ink cartridge into my Kuretake brush pen and let loose.

Bags Bags Bags.... sometimes I wish I'd used paper!

Yes, TGIF...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

So much for instant kharma- I want homemade kharma!

Now, now, don't you want to get pollinated?"

It's in the training and studying. You can study to train; but it's better to train to study!"

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The reality of non-standardizationalism.....

...Or, another way to look at it all.

forever blowing bubbles....

Ahhh, the NBL (National Bug League).

And would the week be complete without a dinosaur?

Friday, December 4, 2009

I hit GOLD! (two of my absolute FAVS both in one night!

Not often I look at something and am totally satisfied- but here are two I absolutely laughed at.
And MY WIFE laughed at them! (tough crowd!!)

and the rest from yesterday and today!!

It's Friday- more next week.
Hey! Tell your friends to check out Snack Bag Art.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Reality takes a back seat....

Ok, even for ME these seem a little strange!

Yes! the seldom seen GLUMP!!

Something appeals to me imagining
alien invaders being eaten like so many

BIG Macs.....

Ummm, I don't know....
maybe the flowers are

til later...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ok, let's see now...

What do we have today?

the mystical Flower-Horse!


Well, blue folks do like to dance....

What if....
you just thought you could be a turkey?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Back from School Break!

Who ate tooo much TURKEY??

Yes, I'm doing the happy dance because everyone's back in school!

Tomorrow is December 1st-
I'm getting ready for the oft repeated question!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Puritanical view....

Almost Thanksgiving- which gives me a break; no school Thurs-Fri!!!

So, enjoy the Thanksgiving Theme, and remember;
it's not what you're having, it's what you have!!

Heh- just imagine you're a turkey....

But try not to hurl if you over do it!!!